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A recent YouGov study on sleep habits has unveiled a concerning trend among Britons: a staggering 87% admit to using their phones or tablets within an hour before bedtime, with 25% even indulging in a last-minute scroll immediately before hitting the hay. Furthermore, a whopping 74% keep their phones in the bedroom overnight. But what’s the real toll of this nighttime screen time on our health?

Experts at Brown’s CBD have delved into the consequences of late-night digital habits, shedding light on their detrimental effects on sleep, mood, and overall well-being.

One of the primary downsides of late-night screen use is its interference with sleep patterns. The blue light emitted by electronic devices disrupts the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep cycles. Consequently, individuals find it challenging to unwind, leading to sleep deprivation and cognitive impairment, often manifested as ‘brain fog’ and daytime sleepiness.

Moreover, this chronic sleep deprivation can have far-reaching implications for physical health, including heightened risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. Sleep quality also influences hormonal regulation, impacting vital functions like blood sugar levels and appetite control.

The impact of late-night screen time isn’t limited to the physical realm; it extends to mental health as well. Research has indicated a strong correlation between excessive screen use and depression, stress, and anxiety, particularly among adolescents. A study by The Yale School of Medicine found a direct link between digital technology usage and the likelihood of developing anxiety and depression in young children.

To combat the adverse effects of late-night screen use, experts recommend establishing a nighttime routine that includes activities conducive to relaxation, such as reading or gentle exercise. Utilizing digital detox tools, such as ‘sleep mode’ features and meditation apps, can help mitigate screen-related stress before bedtime.

Re-evaluating the sleep environment by removing electronic stimuli and optimizing comfort can also enhance sleep quality. Additionally, natural sleep remedies like CBD products and essential oils, known for their calming properties, offer effective alternatives to screen time.

Laurence Brown, Director of Brown’s CBD, emphasizes the importance of breaking the cycle of late-night screen habits for long-term health benefits. By prioritizing sleep and adopting healthier nighttime routines, individuals can safeguard their well-being and enjoy restful nights devoid of digital disruptions.

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