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Posted On: 12 FEB 2021 5:34PM by PIB Delhi

The National Strategic Plan (2017-25) was approved by Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare on 8th May 2017 and is being implemented in the entire country with the goal of Ending TB by 2025.

Under the National Strategic Plan (NSP) for Tuberculosis (2017-2025), 20%, 22% and 24% of the funds have been earmarked for social welfare assistance in years 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 respectively.

2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Amount (In crores) 612.60 907.53 1223.94
As % of total budget 20% 22% 24%
Total NSP proposed budget 3135.61 4115.64 5075.95


The following ongoing schemes are being implemented under the National TB Elimination Programme:

  • Support of 750 rupees is being provided to all TB patients in tribal notified blocks towards travel support
  • Treatment Supporters’ honorarium are provided to Community treatment Supporters who support patients during the treatment, leading to a successful outcome @Rs.1000 for Drug Sensitive TB , Rs 2000  for completion of Intensive Phase and Rs.3000 on completion of Continuation Phase of treatment for Drug Resistant TB.

Following new schemes are also being implemented:

  • Nikshay Poshan Yojana is being implemented from 01st April 2018, wherein 500 rupees per month is being provided to All TB patients towards nutritional support for the duration of their treatment.
  • Incentives for Private sector Providers (Private Practitioners, Hospital, Laboratory & Chemist) who notify TB patient on Nikshay are provided Rs.500 on notification and another Rs.500 for updating the patient’s treatment outcome.


The Ministry has established an Inter-Ministerial Coordination committee under the chairpersonship of Secretary (Health and Family Welfare) with representation from 18 Ministries including Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment and Ministry of Labor & Employment, etc. for smooth linkages between the TB programme and various ministries.

The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Sh. Ashwini Kumar Choubey stated this in a written reply in the Lok Sabha here today.

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