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World TB Day 2024 Campaign: YES! WE CAN #ENDTB!

6 March 2024 Geneva

Reading time: 3 min (804 words)

In a few weeks, millions around the globe will come together to commemorate World TB Day on 24 March. The theme of World TB Day 2024 – ‘Yes! We can end TB!’ – conveys a message of hope that getting back-on-track to turn the tide against the TB epidemic is possible through high level leadership, increased investments and faster uptake of new WHO recommendations. Following the commitments made by Heads of State at the UN High Level meeting in 2023 to accelerate progress to end TB, this year’s focus shifts to turning these commitments into tangible actions.

On World TB Day, WHO is calling for action on several fronts to ensure that the commitments made to end TB are achieved:

High-level leadership and action to end TB. Now that we have strong high-level commitments made by world leaders in the political declaration of the second UN High-Level Meeting on the fight again TB, we must unite forces to translate these commitments rapidly into action. This includes implementing the WHO Director-General’s flagship initiative for 2023-2027.

Sustainable investment of resources, support, care and information are vital to ensure universal access to TB care and for research. More investments towards supporting the roll out of WHO-recommended TB preventive treatment options, shorter TB treatment regimens, rapid molecular diagnostics and tests for TB infection, other innovations and digital tools will lead to improvements in health outcomes and save millions of lives. Importantly, investments in research and innovation are vital to fast-track efforts to reach the end TB targets.

Scaling up of access to TB preventive treatment (TPT) and screening services for TB disease is a priority, as this creates efficiencies and can lead to massive health and financial gains. Integrating TB screening with TPT increases opportunities to protect people from falling ill with TB as well as saving a large number of additional lives. To help countries scale-up access to TB preventive treatment – one of the key targets in the UN High Level Meeting political declaration. WHO is releasing an investment case on scaling up the roll out of TB preventive treatment on World TB Day.

Ending TB requires concerted action by all sectorscommunities and the civil society to provide the right services, support, and create a safe environment in the appropriate place and at the right time. Poverty, inequality, malnutrition, comorbidities, discrimination, and stigma are major drivers of the TB epidemic. Thus, progress in combating TB and its underlying causes cannot be achieved by the health system alone. WHO is working closely with countries to support the adoption of the Multisectoral Accountability Framework and calling for strengthening multisectoral engagement and accountability..

Tackling health inequities to ensure health for all. We are putting the spotlight on the importance of tackling health inequalities including stigma and discrimination, to ensure Health for All. People with TB are among the most marginalized and vulnerable, and face barriers in accessing care.  WHO is calling for global action to address health inequities for people with TB and other diseases.

“We hope that all these joint actions can help drive the TB response to save lives and achieve the global TB targets,” said Dr Tereza Kasaeva, Director of WHO’s Global TB Programme. “As requested in the second UN High Level Meeting political declaration, WHO will continue to provide global leadership for the TB response, working in close collaboration with all stakeholders until we reach and save every person, family and community impacted by this deadly disease.We must keep the momentum going to stop the spread of this ancient disease and reach those affected with the care they need.”

WHO has developed an advocacy and communications package to support awareness building and drive action across all levels, in the lead up to and on World TB Day. Please access the package below to join us in amplifying efforts to end TB.

More resources will be added to the WHO World TB Day Campaign page in the coming weeks including translated materials in 6 UN languages.

WHO World TB Day Online Talk Show

The World Health Organization (WHO) is organizing a special virtual Talk Show to commemorate World TB Day. The main speakers will include WHO leadership, Ministers, leaders and other high-level government representatives, Heads of Agencies, TB survivors, civil society, and partners. The Show will be broadcast live, with interactive Q&A from the audience online. Join us for an exciting event.

Connection details: https://who.zoom.us/j/98946722934


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