The Anganwadi Protocol for Divyang Children was introduced during a national outreach program at Vigyan Bhawan on November 28, 2023. Led by Union Minister Smriti Zubin Irani, the event aimed to bolster the well-being and accessibility of Divyang children. Alongside key dignitaries like Dr. Munjpara Mahendrabhai, Shri Indevar Pandey, Shri Rajesh Aggarwal, and Dr. K K Tripathy, the event attracted participation from senior officers and experts across various ministries and organizations, including NIMHANS.
During her address, Union Minister Irani acknowledged the collaborative efforts of different departments and highlighted the ongoing support provided to millions of children in various age groups. She emphasized the implementation of the Divyang protocol, which aims to address educational and nutritional needs while empowering Divyang children and their families through initiatives like Swavlamban Cards. Additionally, she stressed the significance of tracking developmental milestones using the Poshan tracker and proposed merging helplines to enhance support capabilities.
Recognizing the importance of inclusive centers, the Minister announced plans for significant investment in training and upgrading Anganwadi Centers. She highlighted the affordability of Divyang child-care within the Anganwadi network and emphasized community-led efforts to shift societal perspectives. Irani urged parents to see these interventions as tools for enriching their children’s potential and making learning more inclusive, concluding with an empowering message.
Dr. Munjpara Mahendrabhai echoed the sentiment of inclusion, recognizing Anganwadi workers as pivotal in nurturing an environment conducive to the growth of Divyang children. Secretary Indevar Pandey emphasized the significance of early detection of disabilities and the role of ASHA workers in aiding Anganwadi workers during home visits.
Secretary Rajesh Aggarwal welcomed the protocol, emphasizing the importance of early intervention and the role of Anganwadi Workers in the critical early years of a child’s development. Dr. K K Tripathy highlighted the potential of early intervention in preventing the worsening of disabilities, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between ministries.
The event also featured a panel discussion focusing on strategies for early identification and inclusion at Anganwadi Centers, featuring experts who discussed inherent risks and systemic challenges related to disabilities. The event concluded with inspirational accounts shared by Anganwadi workers from different regions, underscoring the collective responsibility to ensure no Divyang child is left behind.
Additionally, the Poshan Abhiyaan, launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, remains a significant initiative, aimed at improving the nutritional status of specific target groups, aligned with the ongoing Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, with active involvement throughout the country.