Alden, New York – In a heartwarming tale of selflessness and courage, 21-year-old Carissa Fisher, a former daycare teacher and member of the U.S. Air Force, became an unexpected hero by donating part of her liver to save the life of 5-year-old Ezra Toczek, who had been battling end-stage liver disease.
Ezra, from Alden, New York, had faced severe liver challenges since birth, resulting in bile duct blockages and impaired liver function. Despite several years of medical interventions, his condition worsened, and by early 2024, it became clear that a liver transplant was his only chance for survival.
The path to a life-saving liver donation took a surprising turn when Carissa, who had cared for Ezra years earlier at daycare, saw a post on social media from the Toczek family seeking a donor. “When it became a reality that Ezra needed a transplant, I couldn’t help but think, ‘How are we going to get this organ?'” said Karen Toczek, Ezra’s mother. Amid their search, Carissa, without hesitation, decided to help.
“I didn’t hesitate for a second,” said Carissa. “If I were 5 years old, I’d want someone to do it for me. I knew I could help, and I was determined to do so.”
After undergoing rigorous testing, Carissa was revealed to be a perfect match for Ezra, setting in motion a journey that would change both their lives forever. On May 25, 2024, Carissa surprised the Toczek family with a sign that read, “Ezra, would you like to share my liver?” It was a moment of pure relief for the family, knowing they would not have to wait on the transplant list.
The transplant was performed on August 7, 2024, at NYU Langone Health’s Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital. Carissa underwent robotic surgery to remove a portion of her liver, while Ezra’s transplant was led by pediatric surgeon Dr. Adam Griesemer and transplant specialist Dr. Bernardo Daniel Campos. Carissa’s liver, which has the ability to regenerate, will fully heal within six months, allowing both donor and recipient to recover and lead healthy lives.
The transplant’s success marked a new beginning for Ezra, who regained his vitality and playful nature almost immediately. His mother, Karen, reflected on the joy of having her son return to his normal, energetic self. “He’s back at school, hanging out with friends and playing with his siblings. He’s doing all the things he loves to do, and we know it will only get better from here.”
As Ezra’s condition improved, Carissa was able to visit him in the hospital’s Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, where their bond strengthened through laughter, smiles, and shared moments of joy.
Ezra’s recovery has been nothing short of remarkable. By September 2024, he was well enough to be discharged to a Ronald McDonald House, and in November, he was able to return home to his family. “The progress he’s made is phenomenal,” said Dr. Jennifer M. Vittorio, Ezra’s hepatologist. “Ezra is now on track to grow and thrive.”
A reunion with Carissa and the transplant team at the hospital in November was filled with celebration and gratitude. “Ezra loves seeing all his best friends at ‘his’ hospital,” Karen said, with a smile.
Both families now hope their extraordinary journey will inspire others to consider becoming organ donors. “I am forever grateful to Carissa for giving Ezra this gift of life,” said Karen. “The reward of knowing you’ve helped someone in need is incredibly fulfilling,” Carissa shared. “I hope more people will consider becoming donors. It’s a decision that can truly change lives.”
Their story is a testament to the power of selflessness and the profound impact of organ donation, reminding us all of the possibility of new beginnings, even in the most unexpected of circumstances.