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Healthcare professionals have noted a concerning surge in cases of ear infections reported at outpatient departments (OPDs), attributing the rise to the onset of winter conditions.

Doctors across various medical facilities highlighted a notable increase in incidents of ear infections spanning diverse age groups. Dr. Sanjeev Dang, an ENT surgeon at Apollo Spectra Hospital in Delhi, underscored the correlation between colder weather and increased bacterial or viral activity, leading to ear inflammation and associated symptoms.

“The drop in temperatures creates an ideal environment for bacterial and viral growth, often resulting in ear infections characterized by swelling, itching, and inflammation,” explained Dr. Dang, pointing out the impact of weakened immunity during cold weather.

Dr. Dang highlighted that otitis media, caused by trapped moisture or bacteria, is a common consequence of bacterial or viral inflammation, often leading to severe discomfort and pain, especially when linked with sore throat or respiratory infections.

Manifesting in symptoms such as ear pain, headaches, swelling, abnormal discharge, dizziness, and temporary hearing loss, these infections require careful management and treatment, according to Dr. Bhavik Shah, an ENT Surgeon at Zynova Shalby Hospital in Mumbai.

“Consultation with a healthcare professional is crucial before using any over-the-counter ear drops or medications,” advised Dr. Shah, advocating the use of prescribed antibiotics, antihistamines, and painkillers.

Additionally, doctors emphasized hygiene maintenance practices, including frequent handwashing, vaccination against the flu, and avoiding exposure to smoke, which can irritate airways and exacerbate conditions.

The medical experts suggested preventive measures like wearing earplugs during bathing or swimming to mitigate infection risks and advocated steps to prevent common colds, flu, and sinusitis.

Dr. Siddharth Madabhushi, a Consultant Neonatologist at Ankura Hospitals in Pune, addressed the vulnerability of young children to ear infections due to the structure of their Eustachian tube, emphasizing the importance of proper clothing and hygiene to reduce susceptibility during colder seasons.

Parents were advised to monitor moisture accumulation in their children’s ears, stemming from bathing or swimming, as it could lead to fungal growth and subsequent infections.

The medical fraternity stressed the significance of proactive measures and vigilance in combating these infections, especially during winter, ensuring timely intervention and proper care to mitigate their impact.

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