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August 24, 2024

Recent research published in the journal Function has found that the timing of exercise does not influence the contractile function of skeletal muscles or the ability of muscles to reduce blood sugar levels. This study, conducted by Liam S. Fitzgerald and colleagues, represents a pioneering effort to examine how intrinsic muscle function and glucose metabolism vary across different times of the day.

The study’s findings challenge previous assumptions that time-of-day variations could affect exercise performance and glycemic control. Researchers investigated these variables by measuring muscle function and glucose uptake in mice at four different times throughout the day. Their analysis revealed that both muscle force production and contraction-stimulated glucose uptake remained consistent regardless of the time of day.

“Our results indicate that variations in exercise performance and glucose-regulating benefits are not attributed to chronobiological effects on muscle function or glucose uptake,” stated Fitzgerald and the research team. This finding suggests that factors such as exercise timing do not significantly alter the intrinsic properties of skeletal muscle or its ability to manage blood sugar levels.

This study provides important insights into the field of chronobiology and its impact on exercise physiology. It underscores that, at least in terms of muscle contractile function and glucose metabolism, the benefits of exercise are not influenced by the time of day, which could simplify exercise recommendations for individuals seeking to optimize their health and performance.

For more information, you can access the study titled “Intrinsic Skeletal Muscle Function and Contraction-stimulated Glucose Uptake Do Not Vary by Time-of-day in Mice” by Liam S. Fitzgerald et al. in Function (2024). DOI: 10.1093/function/zqae035.

Provided by American Physiological Society

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