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In a significant leap forward in neuroscience, a team of South Korean scientists has unveiled a groundbreaking labelling technology poised to revolutionize the understanding and treatment of degenerative brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke.

Developed by researchers from the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), the cutting-edge technology, dubbed ‘NeuM’ (Neuronal Membrane-selective), promises to provide unprecedented insights into neuronal structure and dynamics, offering invaluable tools for unraveling the complexities of neurological diseases.

Unlike conventional labelling methods, NeuM enables the selective labelling of neuronal membranes, allowing for real-time monitoring of neuronal changes with remarkable accuracy and longevity. This breakthrough is poised to address the pressing need for high-resolution imaging and long-term tracking of living neurons, which has eluded traditional gene-based and antibody-based labelling technologies due to their limitations in accuracy and tracking duration.

Explaining the significance of NeuM, the researchers emphasized its ability to visualize neuronal changes during both normal conditions and disease states. With the structure and function of nerve cells continually evolving during the transmission of sensory information to the brain, NeuM’s capacity to selectively label living neurons and monitor them in real-time holds immense promise for advancing our understanding of neurodegenerative processes.

Dr. Kim Yun Kyung, from the Brain Science Institute at KIST, underscored NeuM’s potential to distinguish between ageing and degenerating neurons, making it a pivotal tool for elucidating the underlying mechanisms of degenerative brain disorders and guiding the development of novel treatments.

Looking ahead, the researchers envision further refinements to NeuM to enhance its precision and versatility, including the design of fluorescence wavelengths to enable the differentiation of neuronal states and the incorporation of additional color-coded markers for more nuanced analyses.

The unveiling of NeuM marks a significant milestone in the quest to decode the mysteries of the brain and combat devastating neurological diseases. As the technology continues to evolve, it holds the promise of unlocking new therapeutic strategies and ushering in a new era of precision medicine for neurological disorders.

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