A groundbreaking initiative aims to chart the hidden viral universe that resides within each of us, offering a new frontier in disease prevention and personalized medicine. Known as the Human Virome Program, this project is spearheaded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and enlists contributions from 16 leading institutions, including Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK).
With over $170 million in funding, the program seeks to understand the vast and mysterious virome—the collective name for the approximately 380 trillion viruses coexisting within and on our bodies. Unlike the well-documented gut microbiome, this viral ecosystem remains largely unexplored.
“There are more individual viruses on Earth than stars in the universe,” says Dr. Caleb Lareau, a computational biologist at MSK. Awarded a five-year $5 million grant for this initiative, Dr. Lareau emphasizes the importance of unraveling how viruses interact with genetic and environmental factors to influence human health.
A Digital Blueprint of the Human Virome
The Human Virome Program builds on advances in genetic sequencing initiated by the Human Genome Project. Leveraging cutting-edge computational tools, researchers will analyze sequencing data from hundreds of thousands of individuals to create a “Digital Human Virome.” This ambitious dataset will map viral signatures found in human DNA, alongside demographic and health information, to uncover links between latent viral infections and diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, and autoimmune disorders.
“Every person gets infected by many common viruses, but individuals respond differently to these infections,” Dr. Lareau explains. “By studying these responses, we can identify how the virome is intertwined with human health.”
Viruses Hiding in Plain Sight
Unlike viruses that cause acute illnesses like influenza or COVID-19, many viruses exist in a dormant state. For example, the herpesvirus family includes human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), which can integrate its DNA into human reproductive cells and be passed from parent to child. Postdoctoral researcher Dr. Erin Cumming studies HHV-6, aiming to understand its reactivation triggers and potential health risks.
Previous MSK research has shown that HHV-6 reactivation can occur during cancer treatments such as CAR T-cell therapy, causing neurological side effects. Identifying and predicting these risks is a key goal of the Human Virome Program.
From Bench to Bedside and Back
The virome’s potential impact extends beyond single-virus research. Scientists hope to reveal how viral infections, combined with genetic predispositions and environmental factors, contribute to disease susceptibility or resilience. For instance, the Epstein-Barr virus, which infects most people without causing lasting harm, has been linked to conditions like lymphoma and multiple sclerosis in certain individuals.
By integrating computational analysis with clinical data, the Human Virome Program could pave the way for vaccines against common viruses and identify viral contributions to unexplained medical conditions.
“Our work will allow us to ask specific questions about many types of viruses,” says Dr. Lareau. “The ultimate goal is not just to understand the role of viruses but to use that understanding to prevent disease and improve treatments.”
A Holobiont Perspective
This research underscores a larger realization: humans are not solitary entities but holobionts—complex ecosystems where human cells coexist with trillions of microscopic organisms, including bacteria and viruses. Understanding this interdependence could transform how we approach health and disease.
This article is based on findings and ongoing research from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, funded by the NIH. The Human Virome Program represents a step forward in exploring the complex interplay between viruses and human health, but much of the research remains in its early stages. Results and applications may take years to materialize fully.