23 August 2021, Geneva | In preparation for the upcoming WHO Technical Advisory Group (TAG) planned for October 2021, WHO is performing a systematic review of the published literature and unpublished data, with a focus on the diagnostic performance of technologies included in the respective class for blood-based in-vitro interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) TB Infection (TBI) tests.
The objective of the upcoming TAG meeting is to expand current WHO recommendations on IGRAs (which are currently limited to QuantiFERON®-TB Gold (QFT-G), Gold In-Tube (QFT-GIT) and T-SPOT®.TB) to similar products that detect an immunological response to M. tuberculosis infection. To enable this process, WHO is issuing a public call for data, appealing to industry, researchers, national TB programmes and other agencies to provide suitable evidence for the performance of technologies of interest. The obtained data will be essential to facilitate the process of WHO policy updates. Please send relevant data by 5th September 2021, to [email protected] For more information on the parameters of the datasets, variables, and the process see Annex 1: Data requirements
Public call for data on diagnostic accuracy of commercial blood-based in-vitro interferon gamma release assay tests used for TB infection diagnosis

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