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March 23, 2024

In a bid to combat the spread of HIV and potentially end AIDS in India, Mumbai-based epidemiologist Ishwar Gilada emphasized the importance of treating all HIV-positive patients effectively to suppress the virus.

Addressing attendees at the 15th National Conference of the AIDS Society of India (ASICON 2024) in Kochi, Gilada asserted that comprehensive HIV combination prevention, testing, treatment, and care services are paramount to halting the further transmission of the virus while ensuring the well-being of those living with HIV.

“At this juncture, we have the scientific evidence to demonstrate how we can curb the spread of HIV infection and enable individuals with HIV to lead healthy and productive lives. Ending AIDS necessitates providing all individuals with the necessary services and ensuring that no one is left behind,” stated Gilada, who serves as the President Emeritus at ASICON 2024.

Progress and Challenges in HIV Management in India

India grapples with the second-largest population of people living with HIV globally, with an estimated 24.67 lakh individuals affected. According to a report by the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) in 2023, approximately 16.80 lakh individuals are receiving vital antiretroviral therapy.

The report further reveals encouraging statistics, indicating that 79% of individuals living with HIV are aware of their status, with 86% of those aware receiving antiretroviral therapy. Remarkably, 93% of individuals receiving therapy achieve viral suppression, significantly reducing the risk of transmission.

Emphasis on Regular Viral Load Testing

Gilada stressed the importance of regular viral load testing for all individuals undergoing HIV treatment. Monitoring viral load levels is crucial to ensuring sustained viral suppression, rendering individuals untransmittable and safeguarding their health.

Legacy of Advocacy and Care

Gilada, recognized as a pioneer in HIV advocacy in India, has been at the forefront of addressing the HIV epidemic for decades. He established India’s first AIDS Clinic at JJ Hospital in Mumbai in 1986, laying the groundwork for comprehensive HIV care and treatment in the country.

Conclusion: Working Towards a Brighter Future

As the 15th ASICON continues its deliberations under the theme ‘Informs, Reforms, and Transforms HIV-care,’ experts, policymakers, and healthcare professionals unite in their commitment to combatting HIV/AIDS. By ensuring universal access to comprehensive HIV services and prioritizing the treatment and well-being of all individuals living with HIV, India can take significant strides towards ending AIDS.

Gilada’s impassioned call for comprehensive HIV care echoes the collective resolve to achieve an AIDS-free future, underscoring the importance of inclusive and effective healthcare interventions in combating infectious diseases.

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