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Date: January 18, 2024

In a significant development, the National Medical Commission (NMC) has officially released the final version of the Post-graduate Minimum Standard Requirements 2023 (PGMSR-2023), outlining the mandatory conditions for medical institutes seeking to commence Postgraduate (PG) medical courses. The release comes in accordance with Regulation 3.4 of the Postgraduate Medical Education Regulations (PGMER) 2023.

The PGMSR-2023, a comprehensive document, establishes guidelines encompassing physical infrastructure, teaching staff, clinical material, and hospital facilities. These standards are critical for ensuring the quality of PG medical education across institutes.

Key Highlights from PGMSR-2023:

1. Infrastructural Requirements:

  • Hospitals must adhere to national building norms and local regulations.
  • Institutes need regulatory/licensing approvals and clearances from relevant authorities.
  • The increase in hospital beds requires corresponding growth in faculty and infrastructure, particularly in high-workload departments like Radio-diagnosis.

2. Equipment and Facilities:

  • Departments must have the latest in-house equipment meeting curriculum requirements.
  • Essential facilities include a digital library, seminar hall with high-speed internet, and Wi-Fi-connected media rooms for global scientific programs.
  • NMC emphasizes 80% occupancy of hospital beds throughout the year for inpatient care.

3. Teaching and Training Facilities:

  • Each department should have a teaching room with audio-visual facilities.
  • Adequate in-house laboratories and imaging facilities are mandatory, fully run by the respective department.
  • Imaging facilities should be contemporary and in line with the latest technology.

4. Faculty and Attendance:

  • Faculty must be full-time and refrain from private practice during college hours.
  • Minimum 75% attendance of total working days is mandatory for faculty.

5. Technological Requirements:

  • Mandatory installation of cameras at prescribed locations with close circuit cameras.
  • Every institute must have its website containing details of departments, faculty, PG courses, admitted students, and clinical workload.

6. Additional Requirements for Standalone PG Institutes:

  • Standalone institutes require a minimum of 220 beds.
  • Compulsory departments include Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Radio-Diagnosis, and Anaesthesiology.

7. Faculty-Student Ratio:

  • Ratio of recognized PG faculty to students varies for different specialities in government and non-government colleges.

8. Admission Ratios for Super-Speciality Courses:

  • Specific ratios for professor and associate professor positions in government and non-government colleges.

The PGMSR-2023 aims to elevate the standard of PG medical education by ensuring institutes meet essential requirements. Institutes are expected to comply with these standards to maintain high-quality medical education and uphold the credibility of the healthcare system.


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Minimum Standard Requirement for Post Graduate Courses, 2023-(PGMSR, 2023)

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