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Researchers at the University of Surrey have published a groundbreaking analysis challenging widely-held “pop psychology myths” about habits, suggesting that a more nuanced understanding can lead to more effective action.

Pop psychology often misrepresents habits, portraying all stable behaviors as habitual and suggesting that forming new habits will always lead to positive long-term change. However, the Surrey researchers argue that habits are more complex and influenced by various competing impulses.

According to Dr. Benjamin Gardner, co-author and Reader in Psychology at the University of Surrey, a habit is essentially a mental link between a situation (cue) and an action (response). When an individual encounters a familiar situation, an unconscious urge prompts a habitual action. However, whether this urge results in habitual behavior depends on the strength of other competing impulses at the moment.

“Forming a habit means connecting a situation you often encounter with the action you usually take. These connections help by creating impulses that push us to do the usual action without thinking,” Dr. Gardner explains. “But the pushes from habits are just one of many feelings we might have at any time.”

Dr. Gardner likens these impulses to “babies, each crying for our attention. We can only tend to one at a time. These impulses come from various sources—intentions, plans, emotions, and habits. We act according to whichever impulse demands our attention by crying the loudest at any given moment.”

While habitual impulses often “cry the loudest,” guiding us to repeat familiar actions, other impulses can sometimes overrule them. For instance, a habitual morning runner might skip their routine due to cold weather.

The study also highlights that while forming a new habit creates a helpful association, it does not guarantee that the new behavior will always stick. Dr. Phillippa Lally, co-author and Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Surrey, illustrates this with an example: “Think of someone who has developed a habit of eating a healthy breakfast every morning. One day, they wake up late, leave the house without having time for breakfast, and then grab a sugary snack on their commute. This single disruption can make them feel like they’ve failed, potentially leading them to abandon the healthy eating habit altogether.”

To prevent such setbacks, Dr. Lally advises having a backup plan, such as keeping healthy snacks on hand for busy mornings.

When it comes to breaking bad habits, the researchers suggest several methods. Dr. Gardner recommends strategies like avoiding the trigger (e.g., not turning on the TV to avoid snacking) or making it harder to act impulsively (e.g., not keeping snacks at home). While these methods may not eliminate the underlying habit, they can significantly reduce the chances of the unwanted behavior occurring automatically.

Dr. Lally also emphasizes the importance of consistency in replacing bad habits with good ones. “If you can’t avoid your habit cues or make the behavior more difficult, swapping out a bad habit for a good one is the next best strategy. It’s much easier to do something than nothing, and as long as you’re consistent, the new behavior should become dominant over time, overpowering any impulses arising from your old habit.”

This new perspective on habits from the University of Surrey researchers provides a more accurate understanding of how habits form and change, empowering individuals to take more effective actions in shaping their behaviors.

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