A 25-day-old baby in Kannur, India, endured 24 days of pain after a syringe needle was allegedly left in his leg during a vaccination at Kannur Medical College Hospital. The baby’s father, Mr. T.V. Sreeju, has filed a complaint with the Chief Minister, alleging negligence on the part of the hospital.
The needle was surgically removed at a private hospital on January 18, 2025. The police have also registered a case against the hospital.
Kannur Medical College has denied the allegations, stating that vaccinations are not administered at the site where the needle was found. The hospital has formed a six-member committee to investigate the incident and has promised strict action if negligence is confirmed.
This is a serious incident that highlights the importance of proper medical procedures and patient care. It is important to await the results of the investigation before drawing any conclusions.
Here’s a summary of the key points:
- A 25-day-old baby in Kannur, India, had a syringe needle lodged in his leg for 24 days.
- The baby’s father alleges that the needle was left in the leg during a vaccination at Kannur Medical College Hospital.
- The hospital has denied the allegations and is investigating the incident.
- The police have registered a case against the hospital.