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February 3, 2024

Vaping, propelled by innovative marketing techniques targeting children and youngsters, continues to present irreversible dangers to society. In response to the escalating vaping crisis, Mothers Against Vaping, a united front of concerned mothers, aims to raise awareness about the 10 major health risks associated with new-age gateway products. The organization emphasizes the importance of credible and accurate information to shield citizens from falling prey to activities promoted by vested interests.

  1. Excessive Nicotine Intake: New-age tobacco devices enable prolonged usage sessions, resulting in excessive nicotine intake, surpassing levels found in typical cigarettes.
  2. Harmful Emissions: Contrary to the misconception that vapors emitted from these devices are harmless, they contain harmful substances such as nicotine and diacetyl, linked to severe lung injury. The aerosol produced also contains particulate matter (PM2.5) with detrimental impacts on respiratory health.
  3. Cardiovascular Risks: Beyond respiratory issues, e-cigarettes harm blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart disease and negatively impacting the immune system and reproductive organs.
  4. Environmental Hazards: Improper disposal of components like cartridges, atomizers, and batteries contributes to e-waste, posing environmental hazards and risks to human health.
  5. Mental Health Impact: Peer-reviewed studies connect vaping to the exacerbation of symptoms related to depression and anxiety, suggesting higher chances of individuals being diagnosed with depression due to vaping habits.
  6. Oral Health Issues: The chemicals in vaping products pose risks to oral health, leading to gum disease, tooth decay, and oral infections, disrupting the microbiome in the gum.
  7. Pregnancy Risks: Vaping during pregnancy increases the chances of adverse outcomes such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and developmental complications in newborns.
  8. Gateway to Severe Addictions: Alternative tobacco products may act as gateways to more severe addictions like cocaine and heroin, especially impacting young users.
  9. Adolescent Brain Development: Nicotine exposure during crucial adolescent brain development can have lasting effects on cognition, attention, and impulse control, disrupting learning environments.
  10. Device Malfunctions: New-age gateway devices are susceptible to malfunctions or explosions, leading to severe risks such as burns, facial trauma, and even fatalities for users.

Manufacturers strategically target children and youth to create lifelong customers, with children aged 13-15 using e-cigarettes more than adults in all WHO regions. Addressing this issue requires actively disseminating accurate information about the genuine risks associated with these products, dispelling misleading perceptions, and ensuring the protection of children and youth. Mothers Against Vaping advocates for informed choices and preventative measures to curb the growing vaping crisis among the younger generation.

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