Rajouri, January 19: Union Home Minister Amit Shah has directed the formation of an Inter-Ministerial Team to investigate the causes of 16 mysterious deaths in Budhal village, located in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri district. The fatalities, which occurred over the past six weeks, have raised alarm among local communities and authorities.
The team, led by the Ministry of Home Affairs, will include experts from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, and Ministry of Water Resources. Additionally, specialists from animal husbandry, food safety, and forensic science labs will join the investigation.
The team is set to visit the affected village starting January 19. In collaboration with local administration, the team will focus on identifying the cause of the deaths, providing immediate relief to residents, and implementing precautionary measures to prevent further incidents.
During a press conference, the principal of Government Medical College (GMC) Rajouri, Dr. A.S. Bhatia, revealed that neurotoxins were identified as the primary cause of the deaths. “All the deceased exhibited brain swelling, or edema, which proved fatal. Despite our efforts, severe brain damage in patients has been irreversible,” Dr. Bhatia stated.
Samples collected from the village have been tested at premier institutions such as the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) and the National Institute of Virology, Pune. While test results ruled out bacterial or viral infections, they confirmed the presence of toxins, raising concerns about environmental or chemical contamination.
Adding to the mystery, all victims belonged to three families, prompting suspicions of foul play. Rajouri Police have launched a parallel investigation into the matter, forming a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to explore potential criminal activity.
The government has assured residents of full support, emphasizing the importance of resolving the issue and preventing further casualties. Experts from leading institutions have been called upon to manage the crisis and provide critical insights into the underlying cause.
As the Inter-Ministerial Team begins its mission, authorities have urged residents to remain vigilant and cooperate fully with the ongoing investigations.