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Norwich, UK – A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers from the University of East Anglia and the UK Health Security Agency (UHSA) has revealed that genotyping technology can detect Covid variants more quickly and affordably than ever before. The study, published in The Lancet Microbe, demonstrates that this innovative technique outpaces traditional whole genome sequencing methods by nearly a week.

Lead researcher Prof. Iain Lake, from UEA’s School of Environmental Sciences, highlighted the significance of genotyping in the context of the Covid pandemic. He explained, “When the Covid pandemic began, the variant with which people were infected was initially determined using a highly accurate technique known as whole genome sequencing. This is the gold standard diagnostic tool for identifying and genetically characterising variants. But where large populations need to be assessed rapidly — then cost, capacity, and timeliness limit its utility.”

Genotyping, also referred to as ‘genotype assay testing,’ emerged as a viable alternative, allowing scientists to explore genetic variants swiftly. The technology has been trialled by the UK government in NHS Test and Trace laboratories since 2021.

The research team analyzed data from over 115,000 cases where Covid variant information was available from both genotyping and whole genome sequencing. The results demonstrated the remarkable accuracy of genotyping in detecting known Covid variants, with results delivered six days faster than the traditional whole genome sequencing method.

“Genotyping enabled a nine-fold increase in the quantity of samples tested for variants. This meant that variants were detected among many more people. Local control measures such as contact tracing could therefore happen more rapidly,” Lake noted.

The speed and cost-effectiveness of genotyping are crucial in addressing the challenges posed by the rapid spread of new Covid variants. The technology produced results in just three days compared to the nine days required for whole genome sequencing.

Importantly, the findings pave the way for broader applications of genotyping beyond Covid detection. Prof. Lake emphasized, “Genotyping can be applied to finding variants in a wide range of organisms in humans and animals — so it has huge potential for guiding public health decision-making and disease control globally in the future.”

As the world continues to grapple with the ever-evolving landscape of the pandemic, genotyping technology stands out as a valuable tool for swift and accurate variant detection, contributing to more effective public health responses.

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