Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi had inaugurated the ‘One Earth, One Health: Advantage Healthcare India 2023’ Summit on 26th April, 2023 through a video message. The Prime Minister highlighted India’s strength in holistic healthcare, stating that “we have talent, technology, track record and tradition” further stating that India’s tradition of preventive and promotive health with practices such as Yoga and meditation are now becoming global movements. “The world is looking for solutions to stress and lifestyle diseases. India’s traditional healthcare systems hold a lot of answers”, he had emphasized.
In recent years, India has emerged as an affordable destination for world-class healthcare and wellness services, leading to the country becoming a major hub for Medical Value Travel. The summit highlighted India’s significance in medical potential and provided opportunities for healthcare collaborations between the participating countries. The visiting foreign government health representatives also took the opportunity to visit private and government hospitals in Delhi.
Somalia’s Health Minister, Mr Ali Haji Adam Abubakar stated that, “we are looking forward to further strengthening the relationship between the Somalian and Indian Government, by working on the challenges faced by the citizens seeking healthcare”.
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Mr Shah Abdulla Mahir, Minister of State for Health, Govt. of Maldives stated that “with Maldives citizens choosing India as a preferred destination for quality healthcare services, we are looking forward to further strengthening our ties with India for improved Medical Value Travel”
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At the summit, Dr. Zahid Maleque, Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Bangladesh expressed gratitude towards the Indian Government for ensuring quality healthcare for citizens of Bangladesh through Medical Value Travel.
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Lauding India’s progress in the field of Medical Value Travel, Dr. Ahmed Hussein Shehata Elsobky, Deputy Minister of Health & Population, Egypt said that the summit will further strengthen the relationship between India and Egypt in the field.
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These positive feedback from foreign dignitaries highlight the strength of India’s Medical Value Travel sector and the capabilities of India’s healthcare professionals to provide quality care at affordable costs. India is committed to work with the international community to promote quality and value-based healthcare.