In a shocking incident that has stirred outrage across Uttar Pradesh, a 60-year-old woman died of a heart attack at the Mainpuri district hospital, allegedly while the doctor on duty neglected her condition. The incident, which occurred on Tuesday, January 28, was caught on CCTV and shows Dr. Adarsh Sanger engrossed in his mobile phone as nurses desperately attempted to assist the patient.
Pravesh Kumari was rushed to the emergency ward around noon. Despite her deteriorating health, her family pleaded with Dr. Sanger to attend to her, but he reportedly dismissed their concerns. Instead of providing medical attention, the doctor remained focused on watching reels on his phone, leaving the nurse and compounder to handle the situation.
Kumari’s son, Guru Sharan Singh, recounted the agony of watching his mother struggle as they tried to revive her by rubbing her arms and feet. The family was left helpless as Kumari’s condition worsened. After 15 minutes, she began bleeding from the mouth, prompting Singh to demand immediate attention from the doctor. In a shocking turn of events, when Singh protested, Dr. Sanger allegedly slapped him, further escalating the chaos.
The police were called to the scene to calm the situation, while hospital staff attempted to manage the aftermath of the tragedy.
Chief Medical Superintendent Dr. Madan Lal has confirmed that an investigation is underway into the matter. He assured the public that if negligence is found, strict action will be taken against those responsible. Higher authorities have also been informed of the incident, and the matter is being treated with the utmost seriousness.
Disclaimer: This article is based on reports from The Times of India and local authorities. The investigation into the incident is ongoing, and further updates will follow as more information becomes available.