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The total tests are done yesterday
16,49,143 |
Change in comparison to the previous day
3,35,699 more tests |
Total samples tested till date
Total confirmed cases for the previous day
2,38,018 |
Change in comparison to the previous day
20,071 fewer cases |
Total active cases
17,36,628 |
Change in comparison to the previous day
1,80,287 more cases |
Total confirmed cases till today
3,76,18,271 |
Total recovered on the previous day
1,51,740 |
Change in comparison to the previous day
5,681 more cases |
Total recovered till date
3,53,94,882 |
Total deceased on the previous day
310 |
Change in comparison to the previous day
75 fewerdeaths |
Total deceased till date
4,86,761 |