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Union Health Secretary, Shri Rajesh Bhushan chaired a high-level virtual meeting with States/UTs to review COVID-19 public health response measures and preparedness amid reports of Omicron variant of COVID19 across various countries, here today in the presence of Dr V K Paul, Member (Health), NITI Aayog.

The meeting was attended by Shri Rajiv Bansal, Secretary, MoCA, Dr. Balram Bhargava, Secretary (Health Research) & DG ICMR, Dr. Sujeet K. Singh, Director, NCDC, State Health Secretaries, MDs (NHM), representative from Ministry of External Affairs, Bureau of Immigration (BOI), State Airport Public Health Officials (APHOs) and other officials from the States/UTs.

Reiterating that the revised Guidelines and international travel advisories of the Union Health Ministry in view of the new variant of COIVID19 have been shared with the states, Union Health Secretary advised  States not to let their guards down and keep a strict vigil on the international passengers coming to the country through various airports, ports and land border crossings.

The states were specially advised to –

  • Undertake effective Surveillance of International Passengers: Testing of samples of international travelers coming from “At Risk” Countries on 1st Day and of a specified category of passengers on the 8th Day needs to be scrupulously done. International passengers from “at-risk” countries are being advised to prepare to wait at the airports till the report of the RT-PCR test is available.
  • To send all positive samples for genome sequencing to INSACOG Labs (mapped with states) promptly. States to undertake contact tracing of positive individuals and follow up for 14 days.
  • Enhance Testing: Strengthen the testing infrastructure and strictly implement the testing guidelines. Stats to ensure ample testing in each district while maintaining the RT-PCR ratio.
  • Effective Monitoring of Hotspots: Continued monitoring of areas where recent clusters of positive cases has emerged. Sending all positive samples for genome sequencing to designated INSACOG Lab in a prompt manner.
  • Effective and regular monitoring of home isolation cases, with physical visits to homes of passengers from “at-risk” countries. The status of those who are negative after the test on the 8th day to also be physically monitored by the state administration.
  • Ensuring augmentation of Health Infrastructure: Ensure preparedness of health infrastructure (availability of ICU, O2 beds, ventilators, etc.). To implement ECRP-II, with a focus on rural areas and for paediatric cases. Early implementation of sanctioned PSA plants, along with ensuring a seamless supply of logistics, drugs, O2 cylinders, etc.
  • Coordinate with APHOs and “Air Suvidha” portal for list of positive travelers, including details of all international travelers, and strengthen support to them for effective surveillance.
  • Effective and timely coordination between State admin, BOI officials, APHOs, Port health officers (PHOs) and Land Border Crossing Officers (LBCOs) stressed upon.
  • States advised for meetings today with BOI, APHO, PHO and other relevant officials to ensure smooth implementation of the new Guidelines for International Travelers which come into effect from midnight today.
  • Daily monitoring by the State Surveillance Officer to track and contain the spread of transmission of any VoCs in the countryespecially from any recent clusters of positive cases.
  • Regular dissemination of evidence and science-based information on the merging scenario to be shared with the masses through weekly media briefings reemphasized.

Dr Vinod Paul stated that the country is richer in its knowledge of the management of COVID19.  He underlined the continued importance of COVID Appropriate behavior, avoiding large gatherings and ramping up vaccination. Noting the critical role of vaccination as a powerful defense against COVID19, the “Har Ghar Dastak” vaccination campaign has been extended till 31st Dec with a focus on 100% first dose coverage and completing the backlog of second dose vaccination. States have been advised to ramp up the pace and coverage of COVID19 vaccination.

DG, ICMR informed that the OMICRON Variant doesn’t escape RTPCR and RAT. Hence, States were advised to ramp up testing for prompt and early identification of any cases. States were advised for target/prioritized testing of passengers from countries, not “at-risk”, as part of the ramped-up testing by the states. The continued need for further vaccination coverage, adherence to COVID appropriate behavior and the need to avoid mass gatherings was stressed.

Source PIB Delhi

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