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Posted On: 02 FEB 2021 4:25PM by PIB Delhi

Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan ArogyaYojana (AB-PMJAY) is a centrally sponsored scheme. Presently, it is being implemented in 32 States and Union Territories (UTs) across the country. As per design of the scheme, States/UTs implementing AB-PMJAY have the flexibility to run their own Health Protection Schemes in alliance with AB-PMJAY at their own cost. Under this arrangement, the States/UTs may use Health Benefit Packages, common IT platform and empaneled hospital network of PMJAY.

The funding of the scheme is shared between Central and State Governments. The ratio of central share to state share for all States, except North-Eastern States and Himalayan States and Union Territories with legislature, is 60:40. For North-Eastern States and Himalayan States, the ratio is 90:10. In the case of Union Territories without legislatures, the Central contribution of premium is 100%.

1.57 Crore Hospital admissions worth Rs. 19,506 Crores have been authorized under AB-PMJAY. These include utilization data corresponding to expanded beneficiary base by some States/UTs. The specialty wise break-up of authorized hospital admissions is annexed. There is no data available for comparison with State health schemes.


Specialty wise break-up of hospital admissions by count and amount

Specialties Authorized Hospital Admissions (Count) Authorized Hospital Admissions (Amount in Crores of Rupees)
Burns Management 15655 67
Cardiology 296375 1479
Cardio-thoracic Vascular Surgery 84346 850
Diagnostics 363905 96
Emergency Room Packages 191487 108
General Surgery 1716386 1707
Infectious Diseases 811679 214
Interventional Neuroradiology 5778 44
Medical Management 3833011 2193
Mental Disorders Packages 10682 9
Multiple Specialties 472516 2084
Neo-natal care 229645 567
Neurosurgery 87081 408
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1154482 1124
Oncology 1024425 1674
Ophthalmology 688016 544
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 186839 62
Organ Transplants 128 0.2
Orthopaedics 569804 1546
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) 115969 155
Paediatric medical management 254738 480
Paediatric surgery 26919 91
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 6997 22
Polytrauma 20519 79
Unspecified Surgical Packages 1381 3
Urology 356570 670


The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Sh Ashwini Kumar Choubey stated this in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha here today.

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