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Ministry of Ayush is implementing Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National Ayush Mission (NAM) through State/UT Governments and providing financial assistance to them under different activities to achieve the goals of overall development & promotion of Ayush System of medicines as well as healthcare access through different types of Ayush interventions in the country including rural areas. The mission inter-alia makes provision for following activities:


  1. Operationalization of Ayush Health and Wellness Centres now renamed as Ayushman Arogya Mandir (Ayush) by upgrading existing Ayush dispensaries and Sub health Centres.
  2. Co-location of Ayush facilities at Primary Health Centres (PHCs), Community Health Centres (CHCs) and District Hospitals (DHs).
  3. Upgradation of existing standalone Government Ayush Hospitals.
  4. Upgradation of existing Government/Panchayat/Government aided Ayush Dispensaries/ Construction of building for existing Ayush Dispensary (Rented/ dilapidated accommodation)/ Construction of building to establish new Ayush Dispensary in the area where there are no Ayush facilities available.
  5. Setting up of 10/30/50 bedded Integrated Ayush Hospitals.
  6. Supply of essential drugs to Government Ayush Hospitals, Government Dispensaries and Government/Government aided Teaching Institutional Ayush Hospitals.
  7. Ayush Public Health Programmes.
  8. Establishment of new Ayush colleges in the States where availability of Ayush teaching institutions is inadequate in Government Sector.
  9. Infrastructural development of Ayush Under-Graduate Institutions and Ayush Post-Graduate Institutions/ add on PG/ Pharmacy /Para-Medical Courses.

As per the proposals received from the State/UT Governments, Ministry of Ayush has released an amount of Rs. 4534.28 crores from 2014-15 to 2023-24 for implementation of different approved activities of State Annual Action Plans (SAAPs). The major achievements/activities made under NAM is furnished at Annexure.


Further the Ministry of Ayush is implementing the Central Sector Scheme for Promotion of Information Education and Communication (IEC) in Ayush to create awareness regarding Ayush Systems of Medicine. This aims to reach out to all sections of the population across the country. This scheme provides assistance for organizing National/State Arogya Fairs, Yoga Fests/Utsavs, Ayurveda Parvs, etc. The Ministry also undertakes Multi-Media, Print Media Campaigns for creating awareness about Ayush System.


However, to monitor the progress of implementation of different activities of NAM.  The Central teams are conducting field visits from time to time and analyse the effectiveness of the ongoing activities. Similarly, Ministry of Ayush is also implementing a Central Sector Scheme, Ayurswasthya Yojana, since Financial Year 2021-22, with 02 components viz. i) Centers of Excellence; & ii) Ayush in Public Health. Financial assistance is provided to eligible organizations/institutions across the country as per the provision contained in the scheme guideline. The monitoring team constituted by this Ministry visits the project site to assess the effectiveness of Ayush interventions in public health initiatives as per approved deliverables.


Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) an autonomous organization of Ministry of Ayush undertakes clinical studies to generate evidence on clinical efficacy and safety of classical Ayurveda formulations and therapies in various disease conditions. The clinical studies are carried out adopting prevalent guidelines such as Good Clinical Practices Guidelines for ASU drugs (GCP-ASU), Ministry of Ayush and ethical guidelines for Bio-Medical Research (ICMR), WHO guidelines for traditional medicines etc. as per requirement. Similarly, the research program of Central Council for Research in Siddha (CCRS) mainly focuses on clinical research including safety and efficacy studies of Siddha Drugs, validation of the fundamental principles, drug standardization and quality control, survey and cultivation of medicinal plants including literary research.


Further, Ministry of Ayush has implemented a Central Sector Scheme Ayush Oushadhi Gunavatta evam Uttpadan Samvardhan Yojana (AOGUSY), approved by Standing Finance Committee (SFC) on 16.03.2021. The total Budget allocation to this scheme is Rs. 122.00 crores for five years. The objectives of the Scheme are as under;

  1. To enhance India’s manufacturing capabilities and exports of traditional medicines and health promotion products under the initiative of Atmanirbhar Bharat.
  2. To facilitate adequate infrastructural & technological upgradation and institutional activities in public and private sector for standardization, quality manufacturing and analytical testing of Ayush drugs & materials.
  3. To strengthen regulatory frameworks at Central and State level for effective quality control, safety monitoring and surveillance of misleading advertisements of Ayush drugs.
  4. To encourage building up synergies, collaborations and convergent approaches for promoting standards and quality of Ayush drugs & materials.

Detailed guidelines are available at https://ayush.gov.in/images/Schemes/aoushdhi.pdf.



Major achievements under NAM from the year 2014-15 to 2023-24.


  1. 167 units supported for setting up of Integrated Ayush hospitals.
  2. 416 Ayush Hospitals and 5036 Ayush dispensaries have been supported for Up-gradation of infrastructure and other facilities.
  3. 2322 Primary Health Centres (PHCs), 715 Community Health Centres (CHCs) and 314 District Hospitals (DHs) have been supported under co-location for recurring assistance of medicines and contingency on an average in each year.
  4. 996 Ayush Hospitals and 12405 Ayush dispensaries have been supported for supply of essential Ayush medicines on an average in each year.
  5. 16 units supported for establishment of New Ayush Educational Institutions.
  6. 76 Under-Graduate and 36 Post-Graduate Ayush Educational Institutes have been supported for Upgradation of infrastructure, Library and other things.
  7. 1055 Ayush Grams have been supported.
  8. 12500 Ayushman Arogya Mandir (Ayush) have been approved.


This information was given by Union Minister of State (I/C) for Ayush, Shri Prataprao Jadhav in a written reply in Rajya Sabha yesterday.

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