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Published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research Journal

A groundbreaking study released on Friday unveils the pivotal role of retention ponds and wetlands in curbing pollution stemming from tyre particles, a critical concern for human health and environmental well-being.

The research, featured in the Environmental Science and Pollution Research journal, underscores that these ecological features, integral to major road schemes, can significantly diminish the influx of tyre particles into the ecosystem by an impressive average of 75 percent.

Global data indicates an alarming six million tonnes of tyre wear particles are annually dispersed worldwide, laden with a cocktail of hazardous substances including polyaromatic hydrocarbons, benzothiazoles, isoprene, as well as heavy metals like zinc and lead. These pollutants pose severe threats not only to human health but also to the delicate balance of the environment.

A collaborative effort between scientists from the universities of Plymouth and Newcastle in the UK delved into this phenomenon, analyzing samples extracted from alongside some of the busiest thoroughfares in South West England and the Midlands, frequented by over 100,000 vehicles daily.

In each of the 70 samples scrutinized, traces of tyre particles were unequivocally detected. However, the inclusion of wetlands and retention ponds demonstrated a remarkable average reduction of nearly 75 percent in the mass of tyre wear particles discharged into aquatic habitats, thereby shielding rivers and oceans from the pernicious effects.

Lead author Florence Parker-Jurd, Associate Research Fellow at the University of Plymouth, emphasized, “Retention ponds and wetlands are constructed as part of highways projects primarily to attenuate flow and prevent downstream flooding, but also to remove pollutants.”

Moreover, the study shed light on the dominance of tyre wear particles over other forms of microplastics, such as plastic fibres and fragments, in the collected samples. However, it was observed that these tyre-related pollutants were also eliminated in significantly larger quantities.

The researchers underscored the international significance of their findings, advocating for the adoption of similar strategies worldwide to effectively mitigate the pervasive impact of tyre pollution on a global scale.

This study not only underscores the efficacy of nature-based solutions in combating pollution but also underscores the imperative for collaborative efforts to safeguard the environment and public health against the mounting threats posed by vehicular emissions.

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