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In a groundbreaking medical achievement, doctors at C.K. Birla Hospital in Gurugram have announced the successful treatment of an exceedingly rare case involving a half uterus, known as adenomyosis in a non-communicating rudimentary horn – marking the first-ever such case in India.

“This case is the second reported worldwide, with the first case documented at the Lebanese American University Center in July 2021,” affirmed the medical team in a statement.

The patient, a 27-year-old woman, sought medical attention due to pelvic pressure, constant pain on the right side of her lower abdomen and pelvis, and infertility issues. Clinical examinations initially suspected a fibroid, but further diagnostic procedures, including hysteroscopy and robotic myomectomy, revealed a left unicornuate uterus with adenomyosis in the non-communicating right horn, attached to a large fibroid-like mass.

“The adenomyoma in the non-communicating horn presented a unique challenge. With careful dissection, we successfully removed the adenomyoma, saving the ureter on the right side. The rarity of a functioning non-communicating rudimentary horn, coupled with adenomyosis, makes this case exceptional,” explained Dr. Aruna Kalra, Director of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the hospital.

The procedure required meticulous attention to detail to preserve surrounding structures such as the intestines and urinary bladder. The successful treatment involved a complete robotic-assisted excision of the entire horn, resulting in significant improvement in the patient’s condition.

“The final histopathology confirmed the presence of adenomyosis in the rudimentary horn, adding a valuable contribution to the limited cases reported globally. The clinical presentation of such cases can vary, and successful treatment can lead to improvements in various complications associated with this condition,” added Dr. Kalra.

Following the procedure, the patient was discharged the next day and is expected to embark on her fertility journey soon, marking a significant milestone in her medical care.

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