Read Time:42 Second
The total tests are done yesterday
14,74,753 |
Change in comparison to the previous day
4,00,780 fewer tests |
Total samples tested till date
Total confirmed cases for the previous day
3,06,064 |
Change in comparison to the previous day
27,469 fewer cases |
Total active cases
22,49,335 |
Change in comparison to the previous day
62,130 more cases |
Total confirmed cases till today
3,95,43,328 |
Total recovered on the previous day
2,43,495 |
Change in comparison to the previous day
15,673 fewer cases |
Total recovered till date
3,68,04,145 |
Total deceased on the previous day
525 |
Change in comparison to the previous day
86 fewer deaths |
Total deceased till date
4,89,848 |