Rajouri, Jammu and Kashmir (PTI) – The death toll in the alarming series of ‘mysterious’ deaths in Budhaal village of Rajouri district rose to 16 on Friday, with the passing of a 60-year-old woman at a government hospital.
Officials confirmed that Jatti Begum, a resident of Budhaal village, succumbed to the unexplained illness at the Government Medical College Hospital in Rajouri. Her death marks the 16th fatality within just 45 days, leaving the local community in shock and authorities scrambling for answers.
Health officials have conducted extensive testing at premier laboratories across the country, ruling out viral and bacterial infections as potential causes of the deaths. However, the absence of a definitive explanation has deepened concerns about the nature of the illness and its rapid impact.
Amid growing unease, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah chaired a high-level meeting on Friday to address the escalating crisis. In his statement, the Chief Minister expressed grave concern over the situation and emphasized the government’s commitment to uncovering the root cause.
“The unexplained nature of these deaths is deeply concerning, and the government is committed to ensuring that the root cause is identified at the earliest. I urge all departments to collaborate and leave no stone unturned in resolving this issue,” Abdullah stated.
The Chief Minister directed both the health and police departments to expedite their investigations, calling for immediate and coordinated action to prevent further casualties.
The deaths in Budhaal have left the village in distress, with residents fearing for their safety amid the uncertainty. Local authorities are working to reassure the public, but the need for swift identification and resolution of the underlying cause remains paramount.
As the probe continues, experts and officials are exploring every possible avenue to determine the factors contributing to the unexplained fatalities. Further updates are awaited as the investigation progresses.
For now, the people of Budhaal village remain on edge, hoping for answers to bring clarity and peace to their community.